Love, Joy, Peace...

If you would like to request the use of our facility for your special event, please fill out the form below. We have a standard $100 cleaning fee for weddings and large events. Use of a sound equipment includes using one of our sound technicians. Fee is $50/day


  • The church is not responsible for lost or stolen property. Decorations/personal belongings/food  may not be stored at the church for later pick-up.
  • Please do not use the church’s paper products, food, or other items. Group is responsible for bringing their own items/food.
  • Please refrain from using any tobacco products on church property at all times. No alcoholic beverages will be permitted on church property.
  • Cleanup is the responsibility of said group. After event, please complete the clean-up checklist (attached) and sign and return.
  • There is a $100 cleaning fee for large events and weddings.
  • No nails, tacks, staples, adhesives, or anything that will mark woodwork or furniture may be used
    The individual or group that schedules an event will be held liable for all damages to carpet, furniture, or buildings.
  • The piano/instruments in the Worship Center are considered a permanent part of the platform area and should not be moved. For your convenience, the podium can be moved by someone on the church staff. Any other furniture you move, such as chairs, plants, etc., will be your responsibility should damage occur. Please make sure to return any items you have used/moved to the proper places. 
I understand the policies concerning events held at Southmoore Baptist Church. By submitting this request, I agree to follow the polices stated herein, and will ensure that members of my group and contracted personnel understand and follow the policies also. By my submission, I understand that failure to comply with the stated policies could be considered “disregard of policy” and could mean my group is held liable for damages and/or cancellation of future events. I/we hereby release and forever discharge Southmoore Baptist Church and any of its officers, agents, servants, and employees from any and all injuries (including death), damage, or loss which any participant may incur, or which may accrue to any participant and their executors, heirs, and assigns, on account of their participation in the program or ministry and presence for said program or event on church property.

Name (Required)
Please type the name of the responsible party.
Contact Number
Please provide the best number to contact you.
Contact email (Required)
Please provide a valid email where we can send our Facility Use Agreement.
Date of Event (Required)
Date of Event
Time of the event (Required)
Please tell us the beginning and ending time of the event.
Description of event (Required)
Please tell us a little about the event. If this is a wedding or large event, there is a standard $100 cleaning fee.
Rooms Needed (Required)
Please check all that apply
Fellowship Hall
Items Needed
Please check all that apply
Tables (round)
Registration/Refreshment Tables
Audio/Visual (Requires use of one of our sound technicians $50/day))